Chefao Brands Support African Wildlife Foundation


Chefao Brands Support African Wildlife Foundation

Nearly 100 elephants are slaughtered every day to feed to the blood ivory trade. Rhino horn is more expensive than gold, and greedy poachers are eager to make a profitMore...

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Chefao Brands Support African Wildlife Foundation

Nearly 100 elephants are slaughtered every day to feed to the blood ivory trade. Rhino horn is more expensive than gold, and greedy poachers are eager to make a profit from killing these endangered animals. All of Africa’s great apes are endangered.

African Wildlife Foundation (AWF) is working around the clock to ensure these threatened species have a place in our future. They’re equipping anti-poaching patrols, working with governments and legislative officials to enforce wildlife trafficking penalties, strengthening law enforcement with ivory- and rhino-horn detecting canine units and reducing demand through celebrity-driven public awareness campaigns.

That’s why I started this campaign to help AWF launch more of these critical projects across the African continent — and I need you to help me.

Please donate to my campaign. Even a small amount helps.

About AWF

The African Wildlife Foundation (AWF) is a leading international conservation organization focused solely on Africa. Since our founding in 1961, AWF has recognized that Africa’s wildlife resources and ecosystems are critical to the future prosperity of Africa and its people.

How We Use Donations

AWF makes lasting conservation impact with help from both public and private donor funding. We take pride in using donations efficiently and effectively: Eighty-five cents of every one dollar go directly to fund programs on the ground in Africa.

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